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Clarity, Confidence & Control for your Company's Finances

Built for values-led businesses to go green and save money on their banks, pensions and bills.

As featured in

The Times
The Times Money Mentor
Evening Standard
Meaningful Money
Good with Money
The Guardian.png

The Results

Maximum Positive Impact: More money into your business and ethical providers.

£10,000 per year saved
87% CO2 reduction
40 hours research time saved


Happier Employees


More Aligned Clients


Biggest Possible Positive Impact

Our impact in numbers



25,000 tCO2e

Identified reductions


Users of the service


The Client


GoCardless, a UK-based online payment platform, processes over $30 billion per year through their banks on behalf of their customers. Such high volumes of transactions means GoCardless holds a significant amount of cash in bank accounts when transferring their customers’ money from point A to point B. This cash, based on how those banks invest, has a carbon footprint. 


GoCardless partnered with MotherTree, experts in financed emissions, to assess the carbon footprint from their cash and develop strategies to reduce it.

Case Study

The Problem

The carbon footprint generated by a company’s investments, pensions and cash held in big banks is a significant – and sometimes its largest – source of emissions. 


Getting to true Net Zero requires companies to consider these emissions.

While the impact of cash in the bank, pensions and investments will come under increased scrutiny through 2024.


MotherTree’s analysis of the hidden impact of finances makes it possible to understand the scale of emissions from a company’s cash, investments, and financial practices for the first time.

The Solution

MotherTree took time to understand the unique situation at GoCardless, including the values and business requirements for their financial providers.

Next, MotherTree used its proprietary databases to evaluate these banks and compare them to market leaders in each geography where GoCardless operates. MotherTree’s databases draw from a broad range of sources and are backed by Mike Berners-Lee’s Small World Consulting. MotherTree then created a detailed report that included:


GoCardless' overall emissions from its finances


Which banks currently used by GoCardless performed best and worst from an environmental perspective


The opportunity available (lower emissions) by switching and how each of the providers perform against GoCardless’ requirements

Craig, one of our founders, then discussed these options on a call with key decision-makers, to support them in identifying the right next steps.

The analysis shows the significant role financed emissions have in the overall carbon footprint of a leading fintech.

MotherTree is developing an approach with GoCardless to decarbonise its finances while delivering on the business requirements and risk levels. This approach includes working with existing banking providers to reduce their investments in high-carbon activities, and switching to banks with no investments in fossil fuels, whilst continuing to prioritise high security of funds and other functionality required for GoCardless’ operations.

Client Video

Hear from our client, Carlos, founder of Good Ripple

Sound Familiar

Does this sound familiar?


You want to make a change but don’t know where to start


The money in your business bank is only making a small amount of interest


You care about the environment but don’t know how your business can make a bigger impact


You’re a values-led business and want to put your money where your mouth is


You are worried about switching banks and other bills for fear of the hassle and security

You are not alone

We have worked with businesses of all shapes & sizes - from startups to large fintechs - to help them maximise their returns, minimise their negative impact, and make the switch quickly & easily.

About Us

About us

We're Dan and Craig and our mission at MotherTree is to make it effortless for businesses to choose greener options with their money.

As individuals, we were shocked when we took a close look at how our pension providers and banks were investing our money. Fortunately, we found that switching to align our investments to our personal values had far more impact than we thought.

Craig Wallington

Craig Wallington

COO and Founder

Craig is a qualified accountant with 7+ years at Bain & Company advising clients on strategy, performance improvement and sustainability.

Dan Sherrard-Smith

Dan Sherrard-Smith

CEO and Founder

Dan was on the founding team at Look After My Bills - best ever deal on Dragons’ Den, 0 to 800,000 customers within 3 years.

Video Testimonials

More Happy Customers

What We Cover
Lake and Trees Landscape

What we cover

Areas: Current and Savings Accounts, Investment, Energy, Insurance and Pension

Backed by experts

Mike Berners-Lee

Mike Berners-Lee

Mike Berners-Lee is a leading expert in carbon footprinting. He is the director and principal consultant at Small World Consulting and author of several best selling books including How Bad are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything.



Lizzie Rivera

Lizzie Rivera

Founder and Chief Purpose Officer at Live Frankly

"To understand if a company is serious about its commitment to sustainability, a good place to start is if it’s putting its money where its values are. Where a business banks is a crucial decision – this report clearly shows how it’s one of the biggest carbon choices it can make. So, before you read that long glossy ‘impact’ report, quickly check who a business banks with to get a sense of how seriously they’re taking sustainability. Follow the money: it couldn’t be more simple or more important."

Get ready to green my money
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