Emissions for a typical UK business

The biggest part of a business's emissions comes from their finances (the bank and the pension)
Banks continue to invest in areas that don't align to our values

Invested £6.7bn to JBS - the world's biggest butcher

Named in relation to funding cluster munitions & nuclear weapons

Facing human rights scandals
Barclays funding JBS: A ROTTEN BUSINESS, How Barclays became the go-to bank for JBS, one of the world’s most destructive meat corporations, 2022
NatWest funding weapons: Ethical Consumer, April 2023
HSBC human rights: The Guardian, Feb 2021
But businesses are not switching

Takes too much time
50 hours on average

No access to best savings
Missing out on £5,000 on average

Business processes impacted
Employees risk not getting paid
And its not a priority
Does this sound familiar?
You want to be more sustainable but don't know where to start
The money in your business bank is only making a small amount of interest
You care about the environment but don't know how your business can make a bigger impact
You are worried about switching banks and other bills for fear of the hassle and security
You want more loyal customers and employees but struggle to find ways to make that a reality

That's where MotherTree comes in
We do the work, so you get the benefits

Happier Clients
More revenue into the business

Happier Employees
Less money on recruitment and retention

More Investment
More money into the business
For our latest client, we

Our impact in numbers
Evaluated and represented
Found routes to reduce
26,000 tCO2e
Users of the service

Get clarity on your finances, and the confidence to take action, saving you time, money, and carbon emissions. Ultimately take control of your finances
How it works

Requirement meeting to understand where you currently are and the key action areas

Based on your bespoke report on where you currently are, we will review where the business currently is and prioritise the big financed emissions changes

MotherTree runs the switch process on your behalf, taking care of eveything
Backed by experts

Mike Berners-Lee
​Mike Berners-Lee is a leading expert in carbon footprinting. He is the director and principal consultant at Small World Consulting and author of several best selling books including How Bad are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything.
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