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Save money, save the planet.

MotherTree calculates your money's carbon footprint and helps you switch to a greener solution. For free.

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Your money, our future

Where your money goes matters. Often that choice is made by your bank or pension fund, not by you. But you have a choice. In fact, it could be the biggest change you can make to address inequality and climate change.

Where would you like your money to go?

On fossil fuels, tobacco and weapon manufactures...

...or healthcare, clean energy and ethical companies?

The power to choose is yours!

How it works


Fill in the details on the world's first money carbon calculator


Learn about your money's footprint and how you could improve


Take action to move your money where it matters, even little by little

About us

MotherTree exists to make sure private UK funds, even the smallest, contribute to a future where both people and the planet thrive.

Many of the big banks and pension providers put your money into companies you wouldn't necessarily choose. For some, that means oil & gas, pornography, tobacco, nuclear weapons... the list is a grim one.

But there is a way to stop this.

We help you calculate the impact of your investments and easily move your money where it counts. Our handpicked providers invest in a sustainable, and often even more profitable, way.


Our goal is move £1 billion into green investment over the next 5 years.

Join the green revolution today!


Your money has a footprint. A big one!

Your money is the single biggest driver of climate change. Depending where it is it can have nearly DOUBLE the impact of going vegan, quitting flying, choosing the bike over the car and buying all your clothes second hand, COMBINED. 

That’s why we started MotherTree. 

Our aim is to help you learn about the impact your money is having on the world and empower you to take control. 

*Lifestyle includes: being an omnivore VS vegan, having a petrol car VS electric car, using a standard energy supplier VS green energy supplier, taking planes VS not taking any flight.

See our sources here

The world's first money carbon calculator

Moving your money to sustainable banks and pension providers could be the single biggest impact you can have on your carbon footprint.

But first you need to know where your money is going right now.

Our money carbon calculator makes it easy to discover the impact of your investments.

Based on ONS statistics, the average UK consumer could halve their carbon emissions simply by switching their bank and pension proiders!

*Calculated on how mortgage interests are reinvested. See our sources here

The first calculator


We are free to use and we don't sell your data


Discover your money's carbon footprint in just 5 minutes


We only suggest trusted providers with a great track record

Check you money's footprint now

Try now the carbon calculator to find out how green is your money.

Are you ready to be the change?

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